Building of the "MGS" - Military History Collection PzBrig21 - Augustdorf
Building of the "MGS" - Military History Collection PzBrig21 - Augustdorf

The Military History Collection (MGS) - PzBrig 21

As described above, the military history collection of the 21st Armored Brigade is located in the former headquarters of the 7th Armored Reconnaissance Battalion in the Field Marshal Rommel barracks in Augustdorf.

Here, on an area of almost 700 m², numerous display boards and approx. 1700 exhibits explain the Bundeswehr's understanding of tradition, the development of the military in the Lippe region, the history of the location of the barracks in the municipality of Augustdorf and the history of the Bundeswehr from the formation of the Integration into the alliance up to the task of the armed forces explained and presented today. In the exhibition of the Augustdorfer battalions and independent units, which have since been dissolved, one can empathize with the everyday life of soldiers over the course of time. In addition to special military features - such as a needle gun from 1841 - personalized objects from the contemporary history of Generals Wolf-Joachim Claus and Erwin Rommel enrich the exhibition.

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